Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh

The Manx Language Service

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Kys T'ou? (Song)

Cre Shoh? (Feelings Game)


In our first lesson we look at how to talk about the way we are feeling.

The way to ask "how are you?" is "kys t'ou?"

The way to say "I am" is "ta mee" and the way to say "I am not" is "cha nel mee".

To ask "are you?" we just say "vel oo?" and put the feeling at the end.

A simple "yes" reply can be given by saying just "ta" or a simple "no" by saying "cha nel." Be careful not to overuse these words, though, as they don't actually mean "yes" and "no" as used in English: they can only be used in reply to "vel?" questions to have this meaning.

Here's some examples of saying how we do and don't feel:

ta mee braew


I am fine

ta mee çhing


I am sick

cha nel mee trimshagh


I am not sad

ta mee maynrey


I am happy

cha nel mee feayr


I am not cold

ta mee çheh


I am hot

ta mee greesit


I am excited

ta mee skee


I am tired

cha nel mee corree


I am not angry

Note: Words that start with a squiggly çh are pronounced the same as the start of the English words beginning with ch like "chop", "chase", and "charge."

Example conversations

Have a go translating these conversations yourself. If you get stuck take another look at this lesson. If you want to check your answers you can find the English translations here:

Example Conversation Translations

Example 1

(Q) Kys t'ou?

(A) Ta mee corree.

Example 2

(Q) Ta mee maynrey. Kys t'ou?

(A) Ta mee greesit. Cha nel mee skee.

Example 3

(Q) Vel oo çheh?

(A) Ta! Ta mee çheh.

Example 4

(Q) Vel oo çhing?

(A) Cha nel! Cha nel mee çhing. Ta mee braew.

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