Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh

The Manx Language Service

What is it?

The Teisht Vunneydagh is Manx children's first formal contact with Manx Gaelic if they are not at the Manx medium primary school, Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, and is aimed at Key Stage 2 study (years 4, 5, and 6 of primary school).

Primary school children are taught Manx for 30 minutes every week through games, music, and other engaging activities. The KS2 curriculum covers basic words and phrases for subjects like pets, friends, hobbies, countries, numbers, and colours.

Why opt-in for Manx at Key Stage 2?

Evidence points overwhelmingly to the benefits of learning a second language from a young age. Learning the national language of the Isle of Man complements these benefits by giving children an immediate context for their national history and geography. For example. most place names in the Isle of Man come from Manx Gaelic, and studying Manx helps children connect the dots, discover new things about their home, and discover shared culture with surrounding countries like Ireland and Scotland.

Are there resources available online to help with studying at Key Stage 2?

Resources relevant to those studying at Key Stage 2 are available from these pages.

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We offer a total of four broad courses in Manx, starting from Key Stage 2 through to an Advanced (A Level equivalent) Certificate. Each course has its own specification and means of assessment. Teisht Vunneydagh (Key Stage 2) Teisht Undinagh (Foundation…

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More in the section Teisht Vunneydagh (Key Stage 2):

Blein 4 (Year 4)

Year 4 is the first year of study for pupils doing Manx. Among other things Year 4 pupils cover the following topics in their Manx classes: - Say I'm feeling and ask others the same - Count to 10, say how old I am, and ask others how old they are - Say where I live and ask others where they live -…

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Blein 5 (Year 5)

Year 5 marks the second year of study for pupils doing Manx. Among other things Year 5 pupils cover the following topics in their Manx classes: - Say how I'm feeling and ask others how they are - Count to 40 - Say what food and activities I like and don't like - Talk about how things were - Say if…

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Blein 6 (Year 6)

Year 6 marks the third year of study for pupils doing Manx. Among other things Year 6 pupils cover the following topics in their Manx classes: - Say how people are feeling - Count to 60 - Counting things - Say what I want - Say what activities I like and don't like - Say what activities I prefer -…

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