Yn Skimmee Gaelgagh

The Manx Language Service

Year 6 marks the third year of study for pupils doing Manx. Among other things Year 6 pupils cover the following topics in their Manx classes:

- Say how people are feeling
- Count to 60
- Counting things
- Say what I want
- Say what activities I like and don't like
- Say what activities I prefer
- Say what I did and who with
- Say what I have and describe it

Pupils keep track of their progress by routinely self-assessing using one of our learning passports (Kied Troailt).

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Teisht Vunneydagh (Key Stage 2)

What is it? The Teisht Vunneydagh is Manx children's first formal contact with Manx Gaelic if they are not at the Manx medium primary school, Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, and is aimed at Key Stage 2 study (years 4, 5, and 6 of primary school). Primary school chiā€¦

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